On the 18th of March, the ISA final conference took place online. You can now watch the interventions both in the original language of speakers and in English on the CNCE YouTube channel.
After the introduction, the conference illustrated ISA results (min. 7:10) to open debate with partners and stakeholders. The first two sessions addressed: (i) the potentialities of digitalisation for data sharing between public authorities (min. 21:10), and (ii) the contributions that social partners and sectoral funds can play to foster international cooperation min. 55:59).
The meeting was closed by a round table on the possible European perspectives for administrative cooperation and digital data sharing involving representatives from SOKA BAU, ELA, FIEC and EFBWW (min. 1:29:25).
The CNCE YouTube channel also hosts extracts and videos of previous ISA meetings. Enjoy!