ISA PROJECT - Information Sharing Agreements Project
Building EU Agreements for the posting of workers
in the Construction sector
Project Context
‘Information Sharing Agreements’ (ISA) targets the setup of cross-border cooperation agreements involving public authorities, paritarian institutions and social partners to enforce rules on social security and terms of employment applicable to posted workers.
The project brings together partners from seven European countries inheriting results of Post-Lab and EU Post Lab, which identified obstacles to cross-border cooperation as well as promising practices involving enforcement bodies and social partners.
Find out more on the project’s activities and deliverables in the ‘Results’ and ‘Events’ pages.
Revision of the Posting of Workers Directive
On the 8 of March 2016, the European Commission proposed a revision of the rules on posting of workers within the EU to ensure they remain fit for purpose. The Commission proposal was adopted on 28 June 2018.
The Directive must be transposed into national laws by 30 July 2020 and cannot be applied before that date.
What is posting?
A “posted worker” is an employee who is sent by his employer to carry out a service in another EU Member State on a temporary basis, in the context of a contract of services, an intra-group posting or a hiring out through a temporary agency.
Pursuant to the Posting of Workers Directive (Directive 96/71/EC), posted workers are applied the labour law of the country of destination (host country or receiving country) for a set of rights.
For social security purposes, posted workers remain normally insured in the sending country according to Article 12 of the Regulation (EC) 883/2004. They may also fall under the host country legislation if conditions established by Article 12 are not met or have it determined according to a set of criteria if ‘normally employed in two or more Member States’ (Article 13 of the Regulation (EC) 883/2004).
The applicable legislation shall be certified through the A1 form.
For more information have a look at the dedicated European Commission web-page.
Project objectives
Promote and reinforce transnational cooperation between authorities and stakeholders involved in the posting of workers in the construction sector.
Promoting the establishment of information sharing agreements meant to monitor and ease the posting of workers.