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ISA Project Partners and Associate organisation


CNCE (Italy)

CNCE is the Joint National Committee for Building Workers’ Welfare Funds for orientation, control and coordination of the Italian Workers’ Welfare Funds active in the construction sector (Casse Edili).

Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini (FGB) (Italy)

FGB is a research centre with sound expertise in the fields of labour, social policies and equal opportunities at national and European level.

Instituto Universitario de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL) (Portugal)

ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL) is a public university established in 1972 pursuing teaching, research and community service activities.

Notus Asr (Spain)

Notus is a research centre developing studies and reports and providing technical assistance in the areas of employment and labour relations, qualifications and training, local development, poverty and social inclusion and gender.

Bulgarian Construction Chamber (BCC) (Bulgaria)

BCC is an independent, voluntary professional association and official representative of construction companies. It takes part in collective bargaining and, at international level, is a full member of FIEC.

Union Des Caisses De France Du Reseau CIBTP (UCF) (France)

UCF is the coordinating body of the sectoral funds insuring construction workers against loss of income due to bad weather conditions, and managing the professional card in the construction sector.

Trade Union 'Budowlani' (ZZ Budowlani) (Poland)

The trade union Budowlani consists of over 265 branches with 10,000 members in the construction sector. The union has signed co-operation agreements with two major construction employers organisations in Poland and is active in international partnerships. Budowlani is a member of BWI and of EFBWW.

Romanian Ministry of Labour and Social Justice (MoLSJ) (Romania)

MoLSJ is the Ministry responsible in Romania to ensure and coordinate the implementation of governmental policies in the following fields: labour, family, equal opportunities, social protection.

European Association of Paritarian Institutions (AEIP) (EU)

AEIP is a Brussels-based advocacy organization representing Social Protection Institutions established and managed by employers and trade unions on a joint basis within the framework of collective agreements.

IR Share (France)

IR Share is independent and apolitical private research centre and provides training and publications on industrial relations, employee relations and EU labour law issues to increase the understanding, and improve the practice of decision-makers and employee representatives. Since March 2010, IR Share has been national correspondent for Eurofound.

Associate organisation

Autoridade para As Condições do Trabalho (ACT) (Portugal)

ACT is a public authority tasked of promoting working conditions across all the country by means of monitoring and enforcement activities in the labour field and for the promotion of health and safety at work.